How a creative practice will awaken your intuitive mind.

Do you ‘should’ yourself often?  Do you find yourself following what others have done because it’s the ‘only’ way to do it or the way that it ‘should’ be done?  When we create our lives around the expectations of those around us or the society we live in, we blindly follow an invisible code of how we must show up in the world.  

Abstract painterly mandalas

I should be successful. 

I should work hard. 

I should keep a tidy house. 

I should enjoy all aspects of motherhood. 

I should always be kind.

I should post on Instagram at least once a day.

As we bend and mould ourselves to live the life we ‘should’ be living we lose sight of our heart’s true desires and limit our potential for joy, expansion and fulfilment.

In order to get back to our truth, to our true desires, to radical self-belief and trust, we need to learn to listen inwards. 

When you tune into your intuitive mind and follow your intuition, you release the self-imposed ‘shoulds’ and limiting beliefs, leaving you free to create, imagine, and feel into what you desire without limits.

The intuitive mind is the part of us that is free from  the constraints of societal conditioning or habits.  It is the home of our intuition which is also free from the limits of what is possible, rational and logical.  

Pink & purple mandala

The intuitive mind provides us with the wild ideas that light us up, it provides us with the delight of possibility.

When you follow your intuition you are listening to the whispers of your soul instead of the noise of the world around you.  

Instead of being concerned with what everyone else is doing, how they are doing it and what you believe is possible, you are free to follow what feels right in your heart.  

So often we are the thing that holds us back because we don’t allow ourselves to dream.  When we’re caught up in the rational mind, we don’t believe it’s possible to achieve something when we can’t see a clear path and so we ensure that we will never achieve it by closing ourselves off to it. 

Connecting to our intuition is a skill that takes practice.  

For me, this is a creative practice.  When I make space for creative play and exploration, I create the space to listen inwards and practice residing in possibility.

When you look at a blank canvas, there are no limits.  Anything is possible.  We can intentionally tune into the infinite potential presented by a blank canvas to help us to see infinite potential all around us.

My creative practice is intentional.  I have established a ritual that helps me to settle into the present moment, to connect with what’s alive in me and quieten the noise of the world around me through stillness, breathwork, movement and art-making.

Creativity and intuition go hand in hand. 

The intuitive mind feeds our creativity because it isn’t limited by what’s possible, and our creativity feeds the intuitive mind because it provides us with a space to play and explore and connect to our inner world.


A Creative Invitation: Creative From A Place of Possibility


Indecisive? Don’t trust your decisions? Build your intuition for radical self-belief.