A Creative Invitation: Colour Contemplation

Have you ever stopped to contemplate the significance of colour in your life?

Colour is an essential aspect of our lives. We choose and interact with colour all day long, whether it's in the clothes we wear, the food we eat, or the objects that surround us.

Colour contemplation is the practice of observing and meditating on colours to gain insight and understanding about ourselves and the world around us. Each colour holds a specific meaning for us.

For instance, the colour blue is often associated with calmness and tranquility, while red represents passion and energy. Yellow, on the other hand, is often associated with happiness and optimism, while green is linked to growth and renewal.

By contemplating how we respond to colours, we can become more aware of our emotions and how they are influenced by the colours we encounter. We can use colour contemplation as a tool to enhance our mood and well-being… if we are feeling anxious or stressed, we can surround ourselves with colours that feel calming to us to create a sense of calm and relaxation.

By experimenting with different colour combinations and exploring the personal meanings behind each colour, we can create art that reflects our inner thoughts and emotions.

Colour contemplation is a simple yet powerful way to gain insight into our emotions, enhance our well-being, and explore our creativity. This month I invite you to contemplate colour and maybe even create your own language of colour.

The Invitation

Flick through some magazines and pull out colours that represent or evoke different feelings for you (see below for some suggestions). Stick them into your journal and reflect on what it is about the colours that connect you to this emotion.

Past experiences/ memories? Cultural conditioning? Places? Why do some colours scream at you and others calm you?







Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  1. Can you describe a time when you were drawn to a particular colour?

  2. How do you feel when you're surrounded by certain colours?

  3. Are there any colours that you associate with specific emotions or memories?

  4. Have your colour preferences changed over time? If so, why?

  5. Do you prefer bright or muted colours?

  6. How do you incorporate your favourite colours into your daily life?

  7. Are there any colours that you find challenging to work with or incorporate into your personal style?

  8. How do you feel about patterns that include multiple colours?

  9. Are there any cultural or personal associations that influence your colour preferences?

  10. If you could only wear or surround yourself with one colour for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why?


A Creative Invitation: Who do you want to be today?


A Creative Invitation: Talk To Yourself Like Someone You Love