Why Joy Is The First Step To Magnetism

I believe that joy is the first step to becoming magnetic, the first step to your unlimited potential.

Joy helps us to reconnect with who we are and what we want, it helps us to connect with our true selves. When we are lacking joy, we often feel disconnected from what we desire.

Joy, provides us with information about what we want, what we don’t want, and where we might like to go next.

If you feel a bit lost, see if you can identify what brings you joy. You may find that you only have a vague sense of where to find joy (which means it’s time to playfully seek it out!).

Make joy a focus in your life, and you’ll begin to feel more connected to your inner self.

I believe that we are all capable of manifesting the life that we desire. There are infinite possibilities available to us, but we have to be in alignment with our desires in order to access them. If we say we want something, but don’t act in coherence with that want, we are never going to get it. For example, say we are trying to call in a loving relationship, but we are not giving love to ourselves or we don’t believe we deserve love, we’re not going to call in a relationship that provides the love that we desire.

Joy helps us to know ourselves better, helps us to connect to our true self, which in turn enables us to unpick the limiting beliefs and blocks which prevent us from acting in alignment with our desires. Our true self holds the key to knowing what really matters to us once we’ve stripped away the limits that throw us off course, she knows what we really desire when all limits are removed and infinite possibilities are available to us.

That’s why, for me, it all starts with connecting to joy.

Join The Joy Project and cultivate more joy today.


Connecting To Your Inner World With A Collage Poem


My Social Media Struggles & Getting Back to Joy, Sufficiency & Trust